How long could your business survive without its data? What is it worth? And how far should you go to ensure its return? These questions and many more will be top of the agenda at our upcoming security session, exclusively for clients.
“These are the questions that victims of a successful ransomware attack end up asking themselves, and wishing they’d pondered sooner,” explains Robbie Ross, Converged’s Chief Security Officer. “Having experienced the aftermath of cybersecurity breaches – take it from me it’s an unpleasant place to be, especially when there are simple steps a company can take to prevent one in the first place.”
Ransomware is the most acute threat facing businesses and organisations in the UK according to the National Cyber Security Centre. “Since UK firms are statistically the most likely to pay a ransom, this makes all our businesses a target of particular interest,” continues Robbie. “What does an attack look like? Who is likely to notice the breach first? Is it legal to pay a ransom? What’s the likelihood of data being returned? We’ll share the answers at our interactive workshop.”
Join Robbie and Gavin, as they openly talk ransomware, discuss lived experiences, dissect the components of an attack, and provide expert advice on how to plan, prepare and safeguard your data now. The 1.5 hour session will give a unique perspective of a breach straight from the IT department.
“As recently as 10 years ago, ‘in the wild’ ransomware didn’t exist. However today, and having been embroiled in the immediate and longer-term aftermath of several incidents, it’s the sole reason why I would ever consider leaving a job I enjoy.” explained Gavin. “That’s why I’m motivated to share best practice, and the goal is that attending companies leave better equipped to stay ahead of the bad guys.”