It’s no surprise that many home connections are struggling to meet increased demand from the whole family. Netflix streaming and gaming, video calls, accessing cloud-based company software, systems and applications as well as downloading and uploading large files all rely on a quality, secure connection. The great news is that they no longer have to compete for bandwidth because the Granite City finally has a local broadband provider committed to bringing full fibre to your home.
Unlike every other broadband provider, we are local and committed to bringing superfast fibre to your home.
Our GraniteGiG packages, built for speed and endurance and designed to meet your whole family’s online demands, are brought to you by Converged, a company born and bred in The Deen. Although we may be the new boy in town for home broadband, we’ve got years of experience working with businesses throughout the North-east.
We'd love for you to enjoy all the benefits of full fibre.
There’s currently over 90,000 city-centre households eligible to connect to Aberdeen’s super-fast network through us. To find out if you’re one of these ready-to-be-connected homes, simply submit your details and one of our team will be in-touch.